Proposed Bylaw Change

  • Friday, June 07, 2024 10:11 AM
    Message # 13367336
    Mathis Carlson (Administrator)

    Over the course of the last year as a BOD we have been reviewing bylaws and policy manuals for anything that needs to be updated or changed for accuracy. During this review we found a section of the bylaws regarding quorums at meetings that could use some clarification.

    The existing language reads:

    4.11 Quorum: A quorum to do business shall consist of a minimum of 15% of the total number of voting members.


    Following some research we concluded that this section could be interpreted to also include the BOD meetings. There is a section further in the bylaws that discusses BOD meetings, however we felt that after some research we could clean things up a little.

    As I have been involved with the BOD for the last 10 years, all BOD meetings have been conducted in accordance with the new language. This really just adds some clarity in how the organization business must be conducted.


    The proposed revised language is:


    4.11 Quorum:

    A) For general membership meetings, a quorum to do business shall consist of a minimum of 15% of the total number of voting members of the organization.

    B) For Board of Directors Meetings, a quorum to do business shall consist of a majority of the officers that make up the Board of Directors.


    Voting on the proposed change will be conducted  on October 10th at the annual meeting in Tampa.

    Mathis Carlson– MGPHO President


16339 Kranker Drive, Stilwell, KS 66085