MGPHO Membership Policy Update

  • Friday, June 07, 2024 10:13 AM
    Message # 13367337
    Mathis Carlson (Administrator)

    One of the discussions we have had for some time as the BOD is how to expand and grow MGPHO in the overall Medical Gas Community. While the organization was founded largely by a group of verifiers, no where in our charge does it state that we are a verifiers organization. It does charge us with being an educational organization for the Medical Gas Community. With that end, the MGPHO BOD would like to announce that effective immediately we have revised the membership definitions.

    Prior to this change to be a voting member you had to be a verifier or manager of a verifiers group. This change to the definition of an active (voting) member will hopefully expand our reach and encourage others in the medical gas community to get involved.

    Additionally the new language will allow for associate members to also have a vote in the organization, but does not allow an associate member to hold an office in the organization.

    We have spent the last several months as a BOD, as well as working with the Board of Governors on how to best finalize and set up the new membership categories.  The new membership definitions are as follows:

    Active Members

    Active members may vote (if physically present, in good standing at least 30 days prior to the vote, and have no open, unresolved complaints on file with the Ethics Committee), hold office, chair, and participate on committees and have other rights and benefits of active membership. Active membership may be individual or corporate.

    Active Members Definitions:

    Individual - Any professional who holds a current ASSE 6000 credential and is actively engaged in any aspect of Medical Gas and Vacuum Systems in Healthcare Applications.

    Special Expert - an individual who is a MGPHO associate member that demonstrates special and unique capabilities and/or skills that directly benefit MGPHO.  They are asked to serve as advisors to the organization.  Special expert category is by nomination only. This limited category has all the rights and benefits of active membership.  It requires renewal every three years coinciding with the term of the President.  See section E for details.

    Corporate - A corporate membership is always in the name of a corporation.  Corporate Membership is for one member and is transferable to other individuals within the same company.  If the company member meets the qualifications of an individual active member, they will be considered an active member. Corporate membership includes attendance for two individuals at the annual educational conference.

    Associate Members

    Associate members may vote (if physically present, in good standing at least 30 days prior to the vote, and have no open, unresolved complaints on file with the Ethics Committee), and participate on committees and have other rights and benefits of associate membership. Associate membership may be individual or corporate.

    Associate Members Definition

    Individuals and corporations not meeting the requirements of Active Member. An Associate Member has all the rights and benefits of an Active Member, except to hold office, and serve as chair of a standing committee.  An Associate Member may be any individual or corporation who is involved in the medical gas systems industry as an installer, designer, manufacturer, distributor, salesperson, inspector, medical practitioner, manager of those involved in the medical gas systems industry, or has any other interest in the medical gas industry.

    As a BOD we wanted to get this change made and announced in advance of the annual meeting to encourage increased membership and increased attendance and involvement at the annual meeting.

    Please feel free to reach out with any concerns or comments

    Mathis Carlson– MGPHO President


16339 Kranker Drive, Stilwell, KS 66085