Great job Bob – thanks for helping them out. You’ve always been my go-to guy for bulk 02 systems.
Why is this the perfect storm for high oxygen consumption?
-The obvious - unlike the flu season when fewer patients are admitted over the much longer flu season, we’re seeing a significantly greater number of 02 patients all at the same (patient surge) and they are sicker.
-Consistently higher inspired oxygen concentration – 75 to 100%
-Higher ventilator patient minute volume
-Patients on high 02 concentration (with sometimes high volume) and higher number of non-ventilator respiratory care devices before, after and sometimes instead of ventilators
- And most importantly, is the average patient time on ventilators - usual 2-3 days or maybe a week. Two NYC area hospitals are reporting their patient vent averages at 13 days and 21 days. This means that as hospital COVID-19 patient admissions decrease, the hospital still must work through the long vent use times before the pressure is off clinicians and 02 consumption.
Unfortunately, we’re also seeing higher ventilator patient mortality rates – 70 to 80%
Happy Easter to you and yours. Stay safe everyone.