Mark Allen wrote:
No, there is no drain required other than the one on the receiver itself. It is there as an "in case" but actually should never be used at all.
There is no requirement for any other drains.
On your point however, I would be interested to hear the opinions - my opinion is that the provision of anything other than the drain on the equipment itself is outside the jurisdiction of the verifier. Even on an air system, which will make a lot of water, the verifier is not expected to evaluate the disposal, only the presence and operation of the drains as per NFPA 99.
Good morning, just to narrow something down. at Category 1 Medical Air Proportioning Supply Sources. (B) Location. The medical air proportioning system shall be located per as follows:. (4) The indoor location shall be constructed with all required utilities (e.g., electricity, drains, lighting) per NFPA 5000. If it is an explicit requirement for this system, it should also be applied to all other source systems. don't you think?