Manifold Door Signs

  • Thursday, March 25, 2021 9:03 AM
    Message # 10233883
    Deleted user

    2021 code: Locations containing positive pressure gases other than oxygen and medical air shall have their door(s) labeled as follows: ...

    Proposed 2024 code change to: Locations containing positive pressure gases other than oxygen and medical air shall have their entrance(s) labeled as follows: ...

    Changing the NFPA 99 code would avoid this conflict with the NFPA 80 code.

    Per NFPA 80, 4.1.4, no more than 5% of a fire-door’s surface may be covered by a sign.

    Per NFPA 99,, locations containing medical gas manifolds, shall have a label on the door.  The label has lots of words and has to be readable from 5' away per so it's likely that it obscure more than 5% of the door's surface.

    *  There are other NFPA 99 codes (e.g., chapter 15, etc.) that need the same word change from "door" to "entrance."

    Last modified: Thursday, March 25, 2021 1:32 PM | Deleted user
  • Thursday, March 25, 2021 2:29 PM
    Reply # 10235065 on 10233883

    I do not have a problem with this proposal.

  • Thursday, April 01, 2021 7:35 AM
    Reply # 10260016 on 10233883
    Cary Darden (Administrator)

    This is a great suggestion.  We have run into the 5% issue several times and changing the wording from "Door" to "Entrance" would definitely seem to solve this problem.

  • Monday, January 30, 2023 8:57 PM
    Reply # 13078886 on 10233883

    We are giving this facility in NOLA a 12x12 Door sign just for 4.1.4 also.
    I agree with Entrance. It SHALL be implemented instead of door.

    1 file
  • Tuesday, January 31, 2023 12:28 PM
    Reply # 13079679 on 10233883

    I am fine with the proposed change, but when I look at the 5% calculation for the sign on the door it appears that most signs that I see to meet the NFPA 99 signage requirement are well within the 5% limit.

    Most signs that i have seen are 16" x 5" in size, and on a standard door that size is well below the 5% limit.

16339 Kranker Drive, Stilwell, KS 66085